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Class Descriptions
All Levels: Focusing on foundational poses, classes build strength offering both modifications and progressions making it appropriate for all levels who have some yoga experience. Students with minor injuries or physical limitations please ensure you talk to the teacher before class.
All Levels Flow: Linking breath to movement, this vinyasa-style class is quicker paced but offers a wide variety of options making it still appropriate for all levels
Community- Same great all levels class for only $15!
Core + Balance: 30 minute class focusing on increasing deep core strength and both static and dynamic balance by using a progression of exercises to challenge both strength and stability.
Gentle: This class is a great class for those wanting a slower-paced class that helps to build strength and flexibility using support of props like blankets, blocks, wall or chairs. Recommended for anyone coming back to yoga or recovering from injury, along with beginners, seniors, pregnant students or experienced students wanting to savior a gentler class.
Gentle Strength: Similar to our Gentle class but just a tad stronger! Offering modifications and progressions, this slower-paced class that helps to build strength and flexibility also uses support of props like blankets, blocks, wall or chairs.
Meditation: Breathing techniques, guided visualizations and mantra are used to support moving into a deeper state of consciousness and relaxation.
Pilates Fusion Class: Great class to build your core strength as well as strengthening and lengthening your arms and legs. Integrates the toning exercises of Pilates with the sculpting power of barre Bands. small weights and core ball used.
Stretch + Breathe: This 30 minute class is for students of all levels- an excellent starting point for beginners and also a great way for all practitioners to wake up, breathe and stretch.
Yoga Conditioning - Class designed to build strength using body weight, kettle bells, slides, and/or bands to achieve total body fitness. Perfect for complimenting other movement styles, including yoga, running, or weight training.
Restorative Yoga: Using props to support the body, this gentle practice encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Appropriate for all levels, restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing.
Yoga Nidra: A deep relaxation practice done lying on the back in savasana with guided visualizations, meditations and sound. Very delicious! Offered monthly on Friday nights.
Yin + Meditation: Slow down, alleviate stress, and stretch the connective tissue of the body to increase circulation and joint flexibility using the principles of Yin Yoga and Meditation.
Zoom links for livestream classes will be emailed 60 minutes prior to class start time (not at time of booking).
Zoom link emails will be coming from no-reply@apiant.com.
You may need to check your junk mailbox for this email.
You can download the Zoom app here.
Recordings will be sent immediately after the session ends regardless if you join live or not. Regular class recordings are available for 36 hours, workshops are available for 14 days.
New Student Livestream Special: $39 for 2 weeks of unlimited livestream classes - you must be new to the studio and limit 1.
New Student In-Studio Special: $49 for 2 weeks of unlimited in-studio classes - you must be new to the studio and limit 1.
Hybrid Monthly Membership Auto-Renew: $125/month for unlimited yoga in-studio and livestream
Hybrid Monthly Membership Month to Month: $135/month for unlimited yoga in-studio and livestream
Hybrid Monthly Seniors 65+/College Students Unlimited: $115/month
Live-stream Monthly Membership Auto-Renew: $108/month
Live-stream Monthly Seniors 65+/College Students Unlimited: $89/month
Livestream Drop-in: $15
In-Studio Drop-in: $22
Livestream 10-Class Card: $135
In-Studio 10-Class Card: $185
In-Studio 5-Class Card: $105
Annual Membership $1350: unlimited yoga in-studio and livestream plus 10% off series, workshops and retail (limited number sold annually)
Cancellation Policy for Workshops and Events
Refunds will be given for pre-paid workshops & programs within 24 hours notice of cancellation, less 15% administration fee.
No refunds or credits will be given for no shows.
Online Class Reservations
Classes reserved online may be canceled up to 60 minutes prior to class with no charge (your account will automatically be credited); cancellations cannot be made less than 60 minutes prior to class.